Comments on: Healthy Lunch Ideas: Waste Free Lunchbox (Mostly Vegan) Fri, 18 Oct 2013 17:46:59 +0000 hourly 1 By: Keep Apples From Turning Brown: Lunchbox Hack - Urban Earthworm Fri, 18 Oct 2013 17:46:59 +0000 […] I think of this before?!” super useful life hacks. Keep apples from turning brown in lunchboxes with this super simple trick that saves the wastefulness of plastic baggies and the dishes […]

By: Beer Sauce Stir Fry - Urban Earthworm Wed, 16 Oct 2013 16:25:33 +0000 […] amounts in this recipe are designed to feed a family of four with leftovers (to put in thermoses for lunches the next […]

By: Diandra Tue, 03 Sep 2013 12:27:06 +0000 No kids here, but when Richard used to come home every night (his work keeps him about 200km away during the week at the moment), I would pack lunch and snacks for both of us – leftovers for heating, sandwiches, fruit, nuts and such. It took me 10-15min per day to prepare both lunchbags and was way cheaper AND healthier than what he could have gotten at work. (For us it’s simple – if we don’t bring food, we don’t eat, and we are not supposed to leave the office during the day.) I also like to take my own glass bottle for refills so I drink enough during the day. And there is usually a glass of peanut butter somewhere here. ^^

By: Tricia Duncan Tue, 03 Sep 2013 11:13:36 +0000 What great lunches. Our kids take their lunch too, mostly because they refuse to eat what the school calls food . I do wish I could send more left over dinner as entrees for them, but they are not allowed to use a microwave at school so we stick to mostly pb and banana or pb and j and whole wheat bread. They always have fruit and veggies. They hate humus though. They also really like whole foods rice chips thingys, not sure what they are called. They take water bottles to refill and usually put a small squirt of crystal light or mio in them. We also use bento containers. Great post, I would have never thought of the rubberband around the fruit.
